Utilizing the Freedom of Information Act

The U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law ensuring public access to U.S. government records. FOIA carries a presumption of disclosure; the burden is on the government - not the public - to substantiate why information may not be released. Upon written request, agencies of the United States government are required to disclose those records, unless they can be lawfully withheld from disclosure under one of nine specific exemptions in the FOIA. This right of access is ultimately enforceable in federal court.

Steps in the FOIA Process

12 Keys to Submitting a FOIA request

Sample FOIA Request Letter

Agency Head [or Freedom of Information Act Officer]
Name of Agency
Address of Agency
City, State, Zip Code

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request

Dear [The Name of the FOIA Officer as listed on the agency's Web site]:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. § 552. I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me. [Proceed to list requested documents]

In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know I am [describe the requester and the purpose of the request.]

[For example, In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know I am]
-a representative of the news media affiliated with the ____ (newspaper, magazine, describe publication contract or describe past publication history), and this request is made as part of a news gathering and not for commercial use.

-affiliated with _____, an educational or noncommercial scientific institution, and this request is made for a scholarly or scientific purpose and not for commercial use.
-an individual seeking information for personal use and not for commercial use.

-affiliated with a private corporation and am seeking information for use in the company's business.

I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $____. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform me first.

I request a waiver [if warranted] of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in my commercial interest. [Include a specific explanation.]

If you deny any part of this request, please cite each specific reason that you think justifies your refusal to release the information and notify me of appeal procedures available to me under the law.

If you have any questions processing this request, you may contact me at the following telephone number or e-mail address: [number and address]. Thank you for your consideration of my request.

City, State, Zip Code
Telephone Number [Optional]

Sample FOIA Appeal Letter

Agency Head or Appeal Officer
Name of Agency
Address of Agency
City, State, Zip Code

Re: Freedom of Information Act Appeal

Dear [The Name of the FOIA Appeal Contact as listed on the agency's Web site]

This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. § 552.. On [date], I requested documents under the Freedom of Information Act. My request was assigned the following identification number:________. On [date], I received a response to my request in a letter signed by [name of official]. I appeal the denial of my request.

[Optional] The documents that were withheld must be disclosed under the FOIA because.

[Optional] I appeal the decision to deny my request for a waiver of fees. I believe that I am entitled to a waiver of fees. Disclosure of the documents I requested is in the public interest because the information is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of government and is not primarily in my commercial interest. [Provide details]

[Optional] I appeal the decision to require me to pay review costs for this request. I am not seeking the documents for commercial use. [Provide details]

[Optional] I appeal the decision to require me to pay search charges for this request. I am a reporter seeking information as part of a news gathering and not for commercial use.

If you have any questions processing this request, you may contact me at the following telephone number or e-mail address: [number and address]. Thank you for your consideration of this appeal.

City, State, Zip Code
Telephone Number [Optional]

Agency FOIA Contact Information

FOIA Exemptions

Certain information is exempted from FOIA requests and an agency is able to interpret these exemptions as they see fit. While some exemptions are clear and understandable, others are increasingly sited as a rationale to withhold information related to projects or plans which may not be covered by these exemptions after a careful and reasonable analysis.

Areas of exemption cited by federal agencies and protected under law:

Costs of a FOIA request

Agencies are authorized to charge certain fees associated with the processing of requests. Some categories of requesters cannot be charged these fees and in some cases fees can be reduced or waived.

Under the FOIA, solely for fee purposes, an agency is required to determine the projected use of the records sought by the FOIA request and the type of requester asking for the documents. As the FOIA was intended to promote the public's access to information, news media organizations and educational institutions are excused from certain fees.

Fee Categories for FOIA

To demonstrate that you belong in an educational, news media or non-commercial fee category, provide information about the intended professional scholarly or journalistic uses of the information you receive. List any relevant previous or pending publications, including books, articles, dissertations, publication contracts or letters of intent or interest, or similar information that shows your ability to disseminate the information you receive from the agency. State that the materials are not requested solely for a private, profit-making commercial purpose. You should request that, to the extent any fees are assessable, the agency notify you if those fees will exceed an amount you specify.

Actual search, review and duplication fees vary by agency. Search/Review fees can be anywhere $8.00 to $45.00 per hour and duplication fees can be from $.10 to $.35 per page. Agencies cannot require a requester to make an advance payment unless the agency estimates that the fee is likely to exceed $250 or the requester previously failed to pay proper fees.

Fee Waivers

Under the FOIA it is possible to have all fees, including copying, waived by the agency if the material requested "is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester." If your request fits this statutory criterion, you should make your case for a fee waiver in your request letter as strongly as possible. Be sure to describe the scholarly, historical, or current public interest in the material requested, identify specific operations or activities of government to which the request relates, why the information will contribute to an understanding of those activities and operations, why the public in general would be interested, and identify specific operations or activities of government to which the request relates, why the information will contribute to an understanding of those activities and operations, and why the public in general would be interested.

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